LipoFirm Body treatments

THE LATEST IN SKIN TIGHTENING TECHNOLOGY for the body you always wanted.

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The benefits of Lipofirm on the body:

/ Inch loss
/ Body sculpting
/ Skin tightening
/ Cellulite reduction
/ Stretch mark improvement
/ Ageing skin prevention


The LP Tummy Contour

This treatment is aimed to define the abdomen area by accelerating natural fat metabolism by creating instant inch loss to the area for circumference reduction whilst stimulating the muscles with dynamic muscle activation (DMA) for improved core strength. This contouring treatment will also promote natural collagen regeneration to skin tighten the loose skin on the abdomen area.

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The LP Tummy Tuck

The LP Tummy tuck is designed specifically to tighten the skin and stimulate tissue repair to the abdomen area. This treatment uses TriPollar radio frequency technology to rekindle new collagen production in the body. This treatment is ideal for post pregnancy mummy tummies or someone that has lost weight from dieting to regenerate the area and soften the appearance of stretch marks.

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The LP Buttock Lift

A treatment that will lift and contour the buttocks leaving the area firm and toned. This buttock lift will also reduce the appearance of cellulite providing a smoother, defined and dimple free appearance.


The LP Ultimate Body Solution*

A full body solution with this ultimate treatment as you can receive more than one TriLipo session in the same day to start your body contouring regime to assist in inch loss, firming, toning and reducing cellulite. This treatment will provide the effortless body shape with the bonus of no need for post exercise as blood circulation, oxygenation and drainage is enhanced though out the treatment(s).

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The LP Cellulite Eraser

An ideal treatment targeting unwanted toxins in the body to break down the fatty deposits we call cellulite. The LP cellulite eraser uses TriLipo technology with dynamic muscle activation (DMA) to improve the appearance of cellulite by enhancing and stimulating blood circulation, oxygenation and lymphatic drainage. Even though this treatment will decrease the cellulite it will also provide an instant lift, tone and contour the area providing a smooth and tighter appearance.

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The LP Arm Contour

This treatment is aimed to define the arm area by acceleration natural fat metabolism and creating instant inch loss. Muscles are stimulated with dynamic muscle activation (DMA) for improved strength and definition. This contour treatment will also promote natural collagen regeneration to tighten skin and give a smoother appearance.

Lipofirm Body Treatment Costs

1 area: £120.00*

2 areas: £220.00*

3 areas: £300.00*

Further savings on 4+ more areas

Course of 8, 1 area only £800.00*

Further savings per course on 2+ areas